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Weather Stations for Feedlots


Environdata has been supplying weather stations to Lot Feeders for over 25 years, with continual development based on your feedback.

Environdata’s current generation of Feedlot weather stations are tougher, more accurate, more reliable, and better at surviving Feedlot conditions than any other weather station on the market.

Environdata offers a total weather monitoring and service package specifically designed for Feedlots, to help you to boost profits and minimise your time and effort. Intensive animal production industries such as Feedlots are significantly affected by the weather. We can help you to manage the impact of your weather by:

  • Monitoring HLI & AHLU.
  • Meeting your Feedlot Accreditation requirements for weather monitoring.
  • Increasing productivity by optimising feed intake.
  • Automate sending your weather data to Katestone.
  • Telemetry to your office OR
  • Access your data from our Web Portal from any Web Browser – Secure Login Access plus SMS and Email Alerts.
  • Tracking dust and odour from your site.
  • Maintaining accurate records to help with legal or duty of care issues.
  • Installations, refurbishment, upgrades, and on site servicing are a speciality.
Feedlot Weather Station with 10m mast

Key Features of Feedlot Weather Stations

  • Robust, reliable & durable, to withstand the harsh conditions experienced in Feedlot environments

  • Australian Made, designed and supported

  • Heat Stress Monitoring purpose built for Feedlots

  • Full Package of Supply, Installation, Servicing and Maintenance offered

  • Automated data transfer to Katestone / MLA's Cattle Heat Load Toolbox - if you choose to

Download Feedlot Weather Station Brochure
Feedlot Weather Station for Heat Stress Monitoring

Key Benefits for Lot Feeders

  • 10 years free post-purchase support via phone, email or remote meeting

  • The Feedlot Weather Stations are typically Installed for you by our technicians, however

  • Self installation is simple and easy to do with full manufacturer support from us

  • Our feedlot weather stations meet all MLA and ALFA accreditation requirements

  • Automated data transfers to your CHLT account simplify your Heat Stress Monitoring

  • 1 year (or more) secure on-board data storage for 10-minute weather, hourly weather & daily weather summaries

  • Better weather data with Alerts sent straight to your mobile leads to better management of weather impacts on your feedlot

  • Automate your weather data collection and management with Environdata’s WeatherMation LIVE service

Why Environdata is the best choice for your Feedlot weather station

Feedlot Heat Stress Weather Station with budget Mounting option
Feedlot Weather Station for Heat Stress Monitoring
Feedlot Weather Station for Heat Stress Monitoring being serviced
Feedlot Weather Station for Heat Stress Wind and Rain Monitoring
Feedlot Weather Station for Heat Stress Monitoring

Specialised Industry-Specific Calculations

Specialised Firmware will be built in to your weather station specifically for monitoring heat load. These calculations include:

    • HLI: Heat Load Index

    • AHLU: Accumulated Heat Load Units

Heat Load Index (HLI) and Accumulated Heat Load Units (AHLU) – are extremely important measures of animal comfort. As the animals start to experience even mild heat stress their feed uptake drops, weight gain slows, fertility rates drop, and in dairy cows the milk production also drops. As the heat stress worsens the animals can die.

By monitoring the heat stress conditions on site with your own weather station, you have the ability to implement management plans to avoid the worst effects of heat stress. Even one heat event managed correctly can pay for the cost of the weather station. In times when heat stress isn’t an issue you can use the information to link animal comfort to feed consumption & live-weight gain


More than Heat Stress

Environdata’s feedlot weather stations are exceptional at monitoring your feedlot for heat stress. However your feedlot may have additional weather monitoring requirements.


Of course, Rainfall is required as part of your feedlot accreditation, so why not add a tipping bucket rain gauge to your weather station to automate your rainfall data collection?

Dust or Odour Drift

If you need to monitor dust or odour drift, then our wind direction sensor and air movement firmware are a worthwhile upgrade. You might even need to use our 10 metre mast to mount the wind sensors to meet Australian Standards, particularly if you have a Development Application or EPA License issue.

Whatever your additional weather monitoring needs, perhaps soil moisture or ETo for an adjacent cropping operation, we will be happy to help build a solution to meet them.

Weathermation Live Service

Environdata's WeatherMation Live Service automates and manages your weather data collection, storage and distribution for you. Access your data from anywhere via any device with an internet connection. WeatherMation Live brings your weather station's data to you live and secure into the palm of your hand. 

WeatherMation LIVE can also send you alerts on HLI or AHLU values, plus automatically upload your weather station's hourly records to MLA's Cattle Heat Load Toolbox - if you request we do so.

MLA Feedlot Weather Stations Report

We know the MLA Feedlot Weather Stations report (December 2013) is from quite a few years ago now, however our customers still mention it to us from time to time.  Suffice to say we believe there was a few important pieces of information left out of the report, so here are a few things we want you to know:

  • Amongst those rated in the top 3 solutions, we were the only company that had delivered weather stations to a Feedlot at the time of the review.

  • Of all the systems rated, we are the only company that offers a full installation and maintenance service, and has done so for over 20 years.

  • Of all the systems rated, we are the only company that states a 20+ year life for the system.

  • Of all the solutions on offer, we are the only company that has extensive experience in the lot feeding weather station industry.

  • Of all the systems on offer, our weather stations are the only ones manufactured in Australia for Australian conditions.

  • Our prices are still considerably lower than those quoted in the report, Other suppliers import most of their products – how are their prices stacking up today?

  • We are dedicated to serving this industry and will be working to keep you supported well into the future, will the others?

  • If you are considering other suppliers, ask them when the last time they visited a Feedlot was? How many weather stations do they have working in Feedlots, and for how long?  What referees can they give you? If you want a solution that you can rely on, then we have a Feedlot weather station for your specific needs!

Selecting Environdata as your Feedlot Weather Station provider gives you

  • Professional selection and siting of appropriate monitoring equipment to fulfill your monitoring requirements.

  • Annual or on-demand on-site servicing throughout most of Australia

  • Ethical business dealings and client confidentiality

  • Long term commitment to your industry

  • Equipment installation – a “no hassles” approach, ensuring siting is appropriate and meets Australian standards if required.

Typical Feedlot Weather Station

Feedlot Weather Station for Heat Stress Monitoring

Feedlot Weather Station

Weather Maestro

The Weather Maestro is the robust and reliable solution designed to keep working for year after year at your feedlot.  This weather station includes a bigger data logger for more sensors and the ability to incorporate Cellular data connectivity and Connection to WeatherMation LIVE to complete the monitoring package.

Add a 10m Mast to the Weather Maestro Package when you need to add EPA level wind monitoring to your weather station solution!

Most suited when reliability, longevity and availability of support are important!

Gallery of Recent Feedlot Projects

Environdata are Australia’s weather station specialists since 1982, so please contact us for advice on your weather monitoring requirements, positioning on your site, and general advice on all things weather station related.

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